Blind Attestations


A mechanism to attest the owner of a "target" contract performed some action, while preserving the owner's anonymity using a blind signature.

A typical use would be for the Freenet non-profit to attest that the owner of a particular contract made a donation to project. The owner can then use this attestation to prove they made a donation, without revealing their identity to Freenet or anyone else.

This contract could then be thought to have a value of the donation amount, this could then serve as collateral to secure a transaction with a counterparty, such as a purchase or a loan.

To do this, the contract would allow the contract owner to temporarily give the counterparty the ability to "disable" the contract for a mutually agreed period of time. The parties then conduct their transaction. If the counterparty is dissatisfied with the transaction then they can disable the contract as punishment, during which time it cannot be used.


fn main() {
let contract_key = // The contract which we want Freenet to attest to
let (blinded_attestation_request, blind_key) = BlindAttestationRequest::blind(
    &mut rng,

The contract owner then sends the blinded attestation request to Freenet:

fn main() {
// URL is

The user then follows the instructions on to complete the donation. Once the donation is complete, signs the blinded_contract_key and sends the attestation response through a response contract in Freenet. This may also be sent via a browser redirect to the application.

The attestation consists of:

fn main() {
struct Attestation {
    pub signature : Signature,
    pub authorization : Authorization,
    pub authorization_sig : Signature,

    fn is_valid(&self) -> Result<Authorization, String> {
        if (!signature.verify(&authorization.pubkey, & {
            return Err("The target's signature is invalid");

        if (!authorization_sig.verify(&freenet_public_key, &self.authorization)) {
            return Err("The authorization's signature is invalid");


enum Authorization {
    FreenetDonation(pubkey : PublicKey, amount_range : (Money, Money), time_range : (Timestamp, Timestamp)),

enum Target {